
Are you coming down with something? Flu? Cold? Please stay away. There are enough people around me that are sick...don't wanna face you too.

And just like that, Christmas break is over. It seems like I didn't get anything done. Woke up, stared blankly at something and soon it was nighttime and off to bed. And it was like that for 10 days straight, save for New Year's. Don't remember much from that night anyway, so it actually might be the same.

Work welcomed me back with open arms and a stack of papers. Maybe that first day back was good since I managed to whip through it with ease, leaving me with little to do except occasionally break bad news to my manager. Suffice it to say, he wasn't too happy about it since most of this stuff was thought to be fixed weeks ago. It's easy to place the blame on accounting simply because it is their fault. Don't know how it will be tomorrow, with him being the big SC fan that he is (not an alum, but he knew some ppl from their past glory days). Great game by the way with things going back and forth until finally Texas came back from 12 down to beat the fighting condoms. Unless Vince Young comes back, don't expect these two teams to be back in the championship game next year. With Young, Texas might since he's the entire team. SC loses pretty much everybody. Being the homer I am, Cal will definitely contend next year.

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