
You know who had the same birthday as me? John Spencer. A melancholy farewell to the great actor that he was. He was on L.A. Law and various movies, but lately, he made his mark on The West Wing as Chief of Staff to the President and a vice presidential candidate. On Friday, he died of a heart attack, which is eerie since his character also had a heart attack, which forced him to resign as chief of staff. How the producers will move on without him is beyond me. They backed themselves into a corner by showing him in a scene set 3 years into the future. If it wasn't for that, I would say to write the death into the show, but it seems re-casting is the way to go, which is a shame.

I'm having a lot go on for my birthday. At work, all they seem to know is food. So, we went out, I got bagels and donuts in the morning, and a certain someone gave me more baked goods (if you don't know the baked goods story, lemme tell you sometime ;) People are leaving for break so I'm lucky I got as many people as I did. On the other hand, there was the cost control meeting right afterwards so they were falling asleep left and right. Speaking of break, I'm off from December 23-January 2 if anyone is interested. Haha. My department manager asked me if I would run reports next week and all I could do is give him a blank stare. Honestly, only workaholics and those without vacation days will be there for a 2-day workweek.

King Kong was good, but not great.

If I don't make another post, lemme wish you and yours a very happy Christmas and a merry new year.

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