
Trying times this holiday season. Work is a total mess with the new company we bought. Apparently, nobody knows what the hell is going on and that leaves everyone in my department asking questions to accounting but coming up empty as usual. Sucks for me, who has to report SOMETHING to management.

"Oh yeah, they haven't bought any material 6 weeks into the new fiscal year. But they do have new orders 8 times the fiscal plan." Just awful.

I passed my traffic school test but I'm miffed I missed 2. I demand a recount! No? Oh okay, then give me my damn certificate so I can get out of here.

Christmas shopping's almost done, or if you prefer, holiday shopping's almost done. The parents are all that's left. My brothers and I got them a new fridge for their anniversary (31!) but for some odd reason, some shelves showed up broken. Don't know why. Hopefully, we didn't get a used one. That would suck. Anyway, Best Buy said they'd gladly replace it. But I had to go through the same long talk with them about extended warranties (reference my fun iPod Nano experience).

Posts are few and far between these days so plenty of birthdays to pass along in December. Here it goes. Chris and Jon just passed. Alex, Di, Shari, and my dad are in the future. And, of course, there's me.

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