
When are caption writers going to leave race out of a picture? The devastation by Hurricane Katrina and the floods that followed have forced people to live by any means necessary. But according to these pictures, this white woman "found" bread while this black man "looted" a store for his food. Come on, they both stole (presumably). Why the different words?


Game 119: Orioles 4, Athletics 3

Watched the game with Datman Tuesday night and it was one great game. 3 runs in the 7th all but finished it off and we left early. Maybe we shouldn't have with B.J. Ryan loading the bases and allowing a run, but it all worked out.

Busy busy week at work highlighted by the $62 million contract sent out by my department, the largest contract ever in company history. Never again do I want to see 350 pages of work orders again.

One of the hinges holding up the display on my laptop broke, so I called technical support to check out my options. Apparently, warranty doesn't cover it but they did give me the name of the nearest support center. Here's the funny part. The name of the place is CPU Computer Repair. But the operator insisted on spelling it out and adding names for each letter. C is for Chris. P is for Paul. U is for ... 5 minutes later, she still wasn't done. She wanted to use different names for each one so once she used Chris, she just had to use a different name and sometimes she just couldn't think of one that quickly. After all, how many names off the top of your head start with the letter U? How tedious.

Have you seen what the combination of work and bad movies have produced? Only 19 movies watched this year with no more in the foreseeable future except possibly The 40-Year-Old Virgin.


So I was eating at P.F. Chang's the other day (why? 2-minute wait...tell that to B.J's next door) and at the end of the meal, the fortune cookies come out. Usually, the small slip of paper tells you about the future that lies ahead (duh...fortune) but the one I got seemed a little weird. It didn't tell me my future, it was telling me what to do.

"Take a trip with a friend"

Well, I think their writing staff should take a walk.


Happy Birthday Jeanette!

Notice how the post time for this is seven in the morning? Don't you just hate it when the body gets into the cycle of waking up early in the morning that you wake up when you just don't want to...like on a Saturday?

At work, things are running smoothly. The pricing manager is leaving for vacation, leaving one pricer on staff to handle the overload of proposals coming in the next few weeks. They were supposed to hire a new person to help out, but apparently only one person has applied. (Looked at her resume...looks much more accomplished than me, but anyway) With nowhere else to turn, they look to this newbie to help out. In the end, it means new software to learn along with another computer to put it on. (The computer will eventually be transferred to the new person.)

My manager really wanted it on Tuesday. Ok, so he put in the request on Wednesday, but he expected it to be done on Wednesday. After all, from one manager to another, he thought he could do it. But as the hours ticked away, so did his patience. Finally, Thursday afternoon, I got an email from IT saying that the computer was ready, but there was no available table to put it on, so they'd wait until I got a new desk. I told this to my manager, who became mad. He grumbled "I'll get you a desk" and stormed out of my office. I went down the hall to talk to a co-worker and when I came back, a desk was there. I went to his administrator who said that he went over to the next building and dragged a large table all the way to my office. He didn't get hurt...must've been all that adrenaline. Eventually, it took another 12 hours to set up the computer since they couldn't configure the network properly and didn't set up my access to the folders correctly. So a computer he wanted Tuesday night didn't get up and running until Friday afternoon.

I have the sneaking suspicion that IT doesn't like me.


Game 108: Orioles 4, Angels 1

Lee Mazzilli was fired today as manager of the Baltimore Orioles. It was a painful sight since he wasn't doing a bad job. He was just dealt a bad hand with too many distractions. Look at the first half. It was a sight not seen for quite a while: winning. The team was in first place! It was actually beating the Red Sox and Yankees. The pitching was unstoppable. Then reality set in. The only pitching help they got in the offseason (Steve Kline and Reed) were being shipped to the minors. Sammy Sosa couldn't even do a quarter of what he did with the Cubs. Rafael "I didn't do steroids, PERIOD!" Palmeiro tested positive for steroids. People all across the team were rumored to be traded. Where's Burnett? Nevin? Lowell? Millwood? Wells? None came. Sure, Eric Byrnes came but he'll knock himself out against a wall in no time.

Who's to blame? The GM's, of course, in Beattie and Flanagan. They needed pitching but gave them offense plus a couple of old-timers to pitch. Sure, Burnett would've been good, but I'm glad Angelos rejected the trade. I'm not glad it took that long to resolve. All that time, the Orioles were losing. Now that they're 10 1/2 games back of the AL East and 9 games back of a wild card, it might be time to start packing it in. Let's hope that next season, Beattie and Flanagan will get what they should've gotten last season: pitching.