
Two articles from the paper to mention.

The first is from The New York Times about GSI's who can't speak English. Honestly, I've never had a problem with this, simply because in my difficult classes, my GSI's could speak English well and in my easy classes, it didn't matter. The article states that 22 states require or have legislation that requires teachers to speak proficient English, but don't all these foreign-born college students need to take English tests before they're admitted? If not, they should. They really, really should. College students' futures are on the line.

The second is from the Mercury News. A radio DJ promised to give away 100 grand to a lucky listener. When the winner came down to pick up her prize, she dressed up her family and they all went down to the station to pick up their prize only to be horrified and dismayed at the sight of a 100 Grand candy bar. Now the woman is suing the DJ and the station. Yes, it was funny but it was also mean-spirited. I'd be skeptical if a small radio station would offer to give away that much money.

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