
Reaction from the third and final presidential debate:

Exaggeration must be Bush's new word of the day.

I see they still want to smile awkwardly when they're not speaking.

The question was flu vaccines, right? Bush talked about it then made a right turn to litigation. Kerry ignored it completely, focusing on health care in general.

Why must these candidates continue to quote incorrect facts? Kerry quotes that 1.6 million jobs have been lost even though around 500,000 jobs lost. Kerry's tax hike for the rich will be balanced out by the middle class tax cut he wants leaving massive spending unaccounted for. Bush says Kerry has voted 98 times for tax hikes even though it's much less.

Bush isn't helping himself by labelling Kerry as a liberal. Labels really don't apply anymore.

Seems to me joking that it's not your fault when in fact it could be isn't prudent.

On C-SPAN, they show a continuous shot of both candidates. One hour in, Bush has taken a few sips of water. Kerry? None. That's amazing considering my mouth would probably be as dry as a desert.

No Child Left Behind refers to childhood education, doesn't it? What does that have to do with people getting minimum wage right now?

Bob Schieffer asked Kerry what he would do to protect Social Security and he responded, I already did. We gave Bush a $5.6 trillion surplus that would've protected the system. Yeah, that's fine. But we're in deficits now and your plan to take care of deficits falls well short according to many sources. Without deficit reduction, what's your plan?

Hey, this is a domestic policy debate, not foreign policy. Stop talking about Iraq and that annoying global test and backdoor draft.

Yeah, that Persian Gulf line was good, but it's two debates too late.

It sounds to me Kerry takes too much credit for what Clinton did.

It was another nice debate filled with policy differences and some welcome compliments in the end. Who won? I'd say it was a tie but the way the last two debates went, polls will probably say Kerry won as a result of his superior debate skills.

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