
So, a couple of months ago, some guy emails me to write that it's difficult to find old movie reviews on this site. First of all, he doesn't need to be wasting his time here. He could go to a more respected guy to read reviews from. Second, how hard is it to work the archive? It's by month. So you just have to remember when the movie came out. Third, why should I listen to him? I don't even know the guy. After more thought, I figured a secondary archive wouldn't hurt. So I ran around looking for sites to transfer the reviews. At first, I thought about making my own site. That wouldn't work. My HTML knowledge is a bit rusty and basic at best. Plus I didn't have the time for it. So, as a user of Rotten Tomatoes, I started my own little journal over there. All the reviews are out there from every movie reviewed here at Blogspot. Looking at it from that viewpoint, I really do spend a lot of time watching movies. I'm lucky I graduated from college, which according to BearFacts, is finally official.

On a related note, I'm changing the email address in the upper left corner from the old Netscape email address to Gmail. No reason...I just wanted to use the Gmail account.

I'm feeling pretty tired. I didn't get my usual nap at work because I actually had an assignment to do that took most of the day. Though I finished a hour early, I had packing to do. That's how much they care about me, the poor co-op. First, they get me an inferior computer, incapable of handling the files that my department uses. But now, they're moving me downstairs away from my co-workers. A couple of people took out the seniority card in wanting to move closer to their respective departments so I'm left hanging by moving down and sharing an office with somebody else. I guess it's better than a cubicle.

The Olympics started. Yawn. I used to like the Olympics, but I think not watching the last two has really turned me off from it. I watched a little of the replay after I got back last night and I liked this line from Katie Couric describing the warm conditions in Athens. "Nights in Greece are much cooler than in daytime."

So that beheading tape released around the world and caused such a furor was really just a hoax. But you know what I thought was the most disturbing? Accompanying the news story I was reading was a picture of the guy who did it. They took a picture of him in just his boxer shorts. Ewww. Really, I don't need to be looking at hairy guys when I'm reading the news, please.

I saw a commercial recently touting the world's easiest phone. The phone works with a LCD screen you can touch. I don't know about you, but phones with buttons are already pretty easy in my book. I don't think you can get easier than that.

Some of you found it weird that my sister was taking classes before she started San Jose State. As I've explained, it was only because she couldn't find a summer job. Well, classes ended a couple of weeks ago and on the last day, what happened? She got a job offer. So if you're at Old Navy, please go bother her. Umm, I mean, open an Old Navy account for her. She doesn't get a commission, but it looks bad to have no accounts opened.

Blast from the past after Karate Kid I and II was on. Wow, the first was one of those movies that was so bad, it was good. The sequel was just bad. But come on, how could you not like Mr. Miyagi just clapping his hands together and magically healing Daniel's leg? Or the goofy way Daniel tries to woo Elisabeth Shue? And successfully too! Then, there's the classic montage highlighted by the song You're the Best...Around where Daniel gets beat up but then all his opponents fall down so that he can advance. It's unintentional comedy at its finest.

Let me remind you of the greatest study of the Karate Kid trilogy ever written. Okay, maybe it's the only study of the Karate Kid trilogy ever written. It's by Bill Simmons and it can be found at ESPN.

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