
White Chicks
Remember when the Wayans Bros. were funny? Me too! "In Living Color", that's right. But with the exception of the first "Scary Movie", it has been one dud after another. Chalk "White Chicks" up as another dud. Shawn and Marlon Wayans are Kevin and Marcus Copeland, FBI agents on the verge of being fired. Their last hope is an assignment to protect the Wilson sisters from a kidnapping plot. When the group gets into an accident and the sisters are unable to show themselves in the Hamptons, the Copelands take it upon themselves to act as the sisters to keep the cover. While trying to learn more about the would-be kidnappers, Kevin and Marcus are forced to assimilate into high-society sisterhood in a few short days.

Aside from the fact that the movie is short-sighted and implausible, the mere look of the sisters is totally wrong. How could everyone be fooled into thinking that they are actually the sisters? Just put up a picture of them and compare side-by-side. I'm sure you'll notice a difference. Recent gender/race reversal parts have also had actors who could easily pass off as the ones they are portraying. Eddie Murphy, Robin Williams, and even Dave Chappelle are examples. The Wayans don't act the part like those actors did and though their blatant flibs are scripted, by then, somebody should have questioned them, right? But nope, they take it in stride. The jokes and gags are few and far between and those that work are beaten incessantly with repetition. Quite possibly, the mere thought of the Wayans Bros. as white women would and should carry this film, but it doesn't. The joke gets tired long before the credits mercifully roll. 1/2 star

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