
Happy belated Independence Day! Nothing says 4th of July than barbeque and Paris by Night screaming in the background. Did you know they're in the seventies now? I had no idea they got to there by now. Last I checked, they were on 18 or something.

Go to this link at Ain't It Cool for a hilarious news conference from the Anchorman team. It opens Friday.

Before I got this job at Hitachi, I spent March and April applying for work, sending out the resumes and seeing what stuck. Well, very little stuck. But, one opportunity hanging by a thread opened up just yesterday, two months after I applied. It was an appraiser job for the county. They invited me to take an exam next weekend. Now I find it hilarious that they would wait this long before they tell me, but my parents said just take it anyway. Couldn't hurt they said, and it might pay more. So that's where I'll be next Saturday. I won't plan for it too much. I read that last time, 300 people took the exam, 60 people passed, and 5 got the job.

In response to Steves in a comment below, yes, I'm happy Dat Phan has found success in the world. He has accomplished a lot so far as a comedian. If you watch him once, and only once, his material is hilarious. The problem with him is, we saw him perform on the show probably 4-6 times, and each time, the same exact jokes. The guy in the stall gyrating. The funny Asian voice. Put in something about karate. Same jokes about his family. It was all getting tired. He didn't even do variations of jokes; he did it exactly as he did it the first time, as if he was a machine. Appearances on the Tonight Show, Comedy Central, BET, etc. All the same jokes from what I can see. He's touring now. That's great. Not only are people watching him (hopefully), he now has an hour's worth of material to spit out probably with varying degrees of success since he would have said them all already many, many times. As for Dave Mordal, I like cynical humor, and not just that, he also had variety. He was consistently funny and I felt bad he got kicked out before America could vote.

And Dodgeball? That's one fine film. I wish I could say the same for White Chicks. No wait, I don't wish that at all.

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