
Super Size Me
The story begins with two girls who are suing McDonalds for causing their weight gain. However, the judge strikes down the case, stating no such link could be found. Enter Morgan Spurlock. He decides to run an experiment in which his diet would consist of only McDonald's products. Lasting 30 days and under the supervision of 3 doctors and his vegan chef girlfriend, Spurlock soon begins to notice a significant change. He has gained weight, his cholesterol is up, he has headaches and chest pains, and, most importantly, his sex drive is down. Doctors soon predict death if he doesn't stop the experiment. But Spurlock makes it while telling us the story of how McDonald's, and fast food in general, is hurting American physical fitness through its fattening simplicity and the manipulation of our kids.

After watching the film, I guess it's clear what we have to do...eat at Burger King. But seriously, nothing Spurlock told us is shocking. We all know what is offered at these fast food outlets are fattening and bad for you. It's the way he shows how none of us seems to mind that is informative. His little experiment is compelling and a riot to watch. The way he admires the food and makes little jokes about the scheme of things before eventually throwing it up or sitting lazily while digesting it is kinda sick to see but all so perfect in communicating the fact that fast food isn't the best of things to have. Just remember, if you must, always take it in moderation. 3 stars

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