
Observations on this the first day of school:

I woke up before my alarm clock. What does that say about me? Am I sleep deprived? (Most likely.) Was I really excited about school? (Please let that not be the answer.) In any case, I got up at 6:30 for my 8:00 class when I wanted to get up at 7. Predictably, I was tired the rest of the day.

With Fiona Apple's "A Mistake" blaring through my headphones, I scurried up to Latimer. Got there early yet no seats available. Had to sit in the aisles. Game theory sounds like a nice class. A boring talk involving bureaucratic stuff was highlighted by the auction example. I'd seen this done when I was in micro, but this seemed more fun today. Basically, people bid for a $5 bill. Highest bidder pays the 2nd highest bid and gets the bill while the 2nd highest bidder must pay for his bid but gets nothing. The auction got crazy with the bids getting pushed to $15. All this for a $5 bill. Luckily, the prof let them off the hook.

After recharging with ramen (really not good for you), it was time for some complex analysis. This time, I got a seat but the class still filled up to capacity levels. The professor doesn't really look the part. He looked like a freshman when he walked in. Worse yet, he dressed just like I would, with a sweater and khakis and whatnot. He actually got into some material, but once he explained about an hour's worth of stuff, he proclaimed "And that's how you prove the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra." I looked at my friend next to me and replied, "Really? Was that what we were doing?" Sprinkled in the lecture were mixed up words like when he used inextricably when he meant explicable and another one I just can't remember. But it was really good.

Right after was the California class with the locally famous Professor Cain. You might have seen him on the news talking about California politics. What? You've never seen the news? Your loss. Cain certainly fits the adage of the camera adding 10 pounds. He looks really fat on TV but really skinny in real life. He also seems to think that all students have pot in their rooms and are mostly Democrats; two assumptions that probably turns out to be right in Berkeley.

Okay, I'm tired. Don't bother me for now.

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