
The Apprentice on NBC has quickly become one of my favorite shows to watch, but it has become a pain to figure out when it's on.

Originally, it was scheduled for 8 pm Wednesdays. It had a special premiere from 8:32 to 9:59 on a Thursday. Great episode which did boffo ratings.

CBS, mindful of this potential juggernaut, then schedules a new episode of its biggest hit, CSI, equally good, to go up against The Apprentice on Wednesday.

At the last minute, NBC schedules a repeat of the first episode of The Apprentice on Wednesday to be followed by a new episode the next day at 8:30. CBS backs down by scheduling a Cold Case rerun in CSI's place.

The second episode does better than the first, but NBC pleads to the public that this is the last time on Thursday. From now on, there will be ONLY Wednesday showings at 8.

Wednesday the 21st arrives and NBC keeps its word by showing the third episode of The Apprentice (Sam got fired! Did you see the look on his face?). It gets killed in the ratings, going down 50% from the week before. It wasn't anything CBS did. It was Fox and their own hit, American Idol. Watching no-talents perform in front of Simon is apprently much more preferable than watching the evolution of Donald Trump's hair (Trump claims he spent 30 hours a week on the show. How? He's in it for like 5 minutes tops.).

Soon after the bad ratings news hit, NBC says The Apprentice's home is Thursdays and will always be Thursdays, now at 9:00, where it will compete against, yes, new episodes of CBS' CSI.

And in this new age of TV, we're still waiting if it's going to be changed again.

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