
It's pretty troubling that a little girl was kidnapped on Friday. This really wouldn't be news here since kidnappings seem to be happening all the time with all the nationwide manhunts and the numerous amber alerts that people slow down and read, plaguing my commute home whenever I have a commute home. But this one hit nearby, down Monterey Highway at Tennant near the 85 overpass. While we should be all thankful that she was found in East Palo Alto Sunday night, the question remains, who would do such a thing as to stalk this poor girl and kidnap her in broad daylight, attacking the mother and brother in the process? There's no motive, no ransom note, and no explanation as to why the kidnapper let the girl go free, which leads to another thing.

Police are crediting Sunday's release of footage from a video surveillance camera that captured the kidnapper speeding down the street for this sudden re-appearance of the girl. Being safe should be applauded. Locking doors and closing windows, that's the extent my house goes through. But cameras at a neighbor's house? These aren't mansions they're living at. They're just regular single family homes and there are security cameras filming the place? That may be going overboard, but the grainy picture captured of a fuzzy car with illegible license plates and the sounds of a struggle easily confused with birds chirping prevented a family from further anguish.

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