
In a perfect world, drivers like me would be appreciated for their carefulness. It's a shame we don't live in such a world and the resulting mixture of awful drivers results in accidents like the one I had last week. It wasn't much. My car wasn't damaged at all. She got a pretty heavy dent. So it's like this. It's the OG parking lot, teachers lot so supposedly safer, picking up little sister from school. I've parked in a space waiting for her. She comes out with a friend and gets in the car. Slowly, I start to back out. No cars from my vantage point except for a car backing out about 10 spaces farther down. Seeing as how I've backed out just enough, I begin to brake, look ahead, and change to D. Suddenly, BUMP. What happened? The car across from me had speedily backed out and in the time my car was braking from its reverse, it had hit her car in the side rear. Since my rear bumper hit her side, there wasn't any damage on my car. I park back in and get out and start yelling that I had the right of way. I was all the way out. Didn't you see me??? But she seems to take it in stride as if nothing happened. I later find out she's been in two accidents before. So, as a seasoned veteran, she proclaims no one was at fault and waits to exchange insurance info. She says it's a small dent relative to the car and since her brother works at a body shop, she wouldn't report it to the insurance. A mother who was a witness also said not to report it, she being a veteran of 5 accidents as a teenager. Right then, I'm shocked at what kind of drivers I'm surrounded by. Once it's done, she speeds off, late for work and I go on my way.

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