
Analyze That
Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal team up again for the sequel to Analyze This. DeNiro's mob boss character has become crazy while residing in jail and Billy Crystal is called in to get him sane again before his parole hearing. Once he's out, he turns back to normal since it was all a ruse (yeah, like we didn't see that coming). One of the conditions of his temporary release is to get a job and after successful failures, finds the right one as a consultant for a Sopranos-type show. A heist shows up to complete the film, seemingly out of nowhere.

By my short account of the film, you can tell I didn't care much for the film. The first struck a correct balance that made fun of the mob business. But that first one pretty much did all the good jokes one could do about the mob business. This just picks up the scraps. Its saving grace was Robert DeNiro. I still laugh at his attempts at comedy. But please, no more mob comedies until the next Sopranos shows up. 1.5 stars

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