
Other things that have caught my eye this week:

Google has included this site once again in their search engine. Some of you may remember me mentioning that you could search the site on Google last month and then a day later, it disappeared. Now it's back again, but the last time it passed over it was October 3rd, so I guess it's everything up til then.

Remember Growing Pains? It was a solid family show that I felt overstayed its welcome but also ended prematurely. They came back for a reunion movie where Maggie runs for Congress. Well, the Brady Bunch with its many reunion movies is making another one and it's also going the political route. Little Bobby has found a $65 million lottery ticket. (Yeah, right..."found") So, as a Brady, he gives it to his dad, who tracks down the real winner and gives it back. The President of the United States of all people then feels that Mike Brady could be the right guy to be his running mate. And so it happens. And they win. And the Bradys are going to the White House. What a movie. Among the hilarious moments they'll have: Greg falls for an intern, Jan thinks she hears Abe Lincoln, and Cindy reveals one too many family secrets. Reprising their roles from the previous movies as the parents are Gary Cole and Shelley Long. I guess their careers have stopped dead in their tracks. This movie may be a bit too much. They should just show some reruns. It'll probably be much better than the drivel this will produce.

More TV movie hilarity. Home Alone 4 is being shown tomorrow night. Being 10 years old, I liked Home Alone. Being an older, wiser 13 year-old, I laughed through Home Alone 2. Home Alone 3? No, I didn't bother. I tried watching it on TV, but I couldn't make it through 10 minutes of it. Now Home Alone 4? Pass completely. Watch The Simpsons. You'll laugh a lot more. (A lot is two words, right? I saw a commercial where they used "alot.")

Tired of 1-0 and 0-0 soccer games? Head down to Madagascar where the recent game between Stade Olympique l'Emyrne and AS Adema produced a score of 149-0 with the latter winning. Stade Olympique I'Emyme was unhappy with the officiating during the games leading up to the playoffs and so proceeded to scoring in its own goal as a protest.

Ever wonder how some athlete got into a prestigious university even though he was just a dumb jock? Of course, the NCAA has requirements about these things. Yes, you need a 2.0 GPA in high school to get recruitment offers. They also had a SAT requirement of 820. Yes, you had to score at least this much to get recruited. But the rules have changed. You still need a 2.0 and they've increased the number of high school core courses to take from 13 to 14, and they've increased the number of units you need to take as a college freshman. But the thing that bothers me is the SAT requirement. It's been dropped to 400. To those not in the know, 400 is the lowest score you can get. You write your name and then you can leave. You've got your 400. If the requirement is 400, why bother with the test at all? Of course, it's up to the university to admit the athlete, but if he's really talented, some university won't even hesitate in giving him admission.

If a nicotine patch doesn't work, how about cough drops? Yes, nicotine cough drops will soon be hitting the stores to help you kick the habit of smoking. But is this wise? Nicotine with a candy coating? You could easily down a whole bag of them. Plus, it's Halloween.

One house was recently charged $500 for a month of electricity in Pennsylvania. This could not be, they said, so they called the electric company, which sent out a technician. What he found was an illegal cord siphoning power to the apartment next door. Now it's bad enough that people are stealing power. It's even worse when they're powering lamps growing marijuana plants.

Finally, some of you have asked about one of my recent away messages on AIM. It goes "keep looking, keep learning, keep laughing." The short story goes like this. I was watching ESPN the other day when NFL films started to show some of their most embarrassing moments. One of them was an inspriational kids show called "Field of Dreams," an educational show meant to get kids to read. At the end, the football player leaves the girl with the message "keep looking, keep learning, keep laughing." The problem was, they needed to fill in about a minute of airtime. So instead of doing something productive, they had the two repeat the saying to each other. In the end, they would say it 16 times. And each time they said it, it just got funnier.

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