
Haven't posted in a while. And for good reason too. I was busy failing two midterms. And with that done, I'm free for another two weeks until the next one before the home stretch one month after that. There are things I want to mention that I found interesting.

First, if you read the sports updates every weekend, you'll notice I mention San Jose State attendance. You see, nobody's interested in sports there. And if things get worse, they'll be demoted. How disinterested are they? A friend of mine directed me to their athletic web site which ran a poll asking whether or not they would attend midnight madness for basketball. 83% said no. So at least the fans are honest.

Second, listen to Warren Zevon's music, one of the best songwriters out there. He's gonna die in a matter of weeks due to imoperable cancer in his lungs.

Third, The West Wing is one of my favorite shows but the way they've been portraying the election seems odd. The Republican candidate is seen as a strong guy but one lacking head-smarts and resorting to short, simple-minded responses. In contrast, President Bartlett trounces him with his witty, fact-filled remarks. Yet, quite oddly, the President is losing. Now how in the world is that? It needs to show the other side of the story. But it's too late now. The election's next week so game on.

Fourth, do people really watch and like The Bachelor?

Fifth, does anyone bother watching Survivor anymore?

Last, there's turmoil at the Daily Cal. As a frequent reader of the newspaper during my math and stats class, the quality seems to have headed south. First, they didn't have enough to write, so they cut the size of the paper. Then, they take out Dilbert. How can they do that? Then there are no more sports columnists. All they have is that guy doing short takes on sports once every other week. Plus, those columnists on page 3 aren't as interesting as they used to be. As interested as I am in Berkeley politics or Middle East turmoil or what they did over the weekend, I don't want to read it in their columns. Then they cut the number of places you can get the paper. It's due to the recession. Pshhh. Then they quote a guy who said the Bali bombings were planned by the United States, even though he didn't even come close to saying that. Honest mistake. Pshhh. Then they endorse Proposition 52 which is same-day voter registration, an idea so dumb, the Daily Cal has endorsed it. And now, three editors have left the paper due to a new policy mandating that those who don't finish editing by 9 must stay until 12:30 and see it go to the printers. Now that's a dumb idea. Why punish someone who's three minutes late by making them stay for 3 more hours? There's something wrong at the Daily Cal. But I'll still keep reading. It's free and it's better than listening to the professor.

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