
I passed by a Budweiser truck today and on the back was a website containing infromation on being responsible and preventing alcoholism, the only disease people will yell at you for having. The website? http://www.beeresponsible.com. Man, this site name must have been crafted by their crack research team, or their research team on crack, take your pick.

First, people with short attention spans will see "beer" and that's it. That "esponsible" part is just a big jumble to them. Second, could they have picked a more difficult name for people to type in to get alcoholism prevention tips? I mean, these people are already drunk to start off since they're alcoholics. Making them type in 14 letters into a computer and having them read information might be harder than walking a straight line. Plus, there's only one "r". That makes no sense. Lastly, people who read it quickly won't notice "beer" and instead try to form words with what they see. For example, I can see "be irresponsible." Great, we should be irresponsible by drinking a lot of beer. Is that the message Budweiser wants to send to us?

It was nice of them to make a site like this but please pick a shorter web address.

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