
Professional wrestling has come a long way. Back in the 80s and early 90s, it was something cool and funny to watch on Saturday mornings after cartoons. Then some guy had the wacky idea to write storylines about it and from then on, drama was introduced to wrestling. In fact, there was so much of it and it became so popular that two more leagues caught on with the public, making three organizations, the WWF, the WCW, and the ECW. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. The latter two have been gobbled up by the WWF, forced to change its name to WWE because the World Wildlife Fund objected. Ratings are down, the stories are uninteresting, and the wrestling is a bigger joke now than it was then.

Last night, while I was channel surfing, I came upon Smackdown, which was featuring a marriage ceremony between two male wrestlers. I don't know which is worse, an organization that has reached rock bottom in terms of stunt programming to feature a gay wedding or two wrestlers, who probably aren't even gay at all, having the world believe they are married.

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