
Feeling half-awake, I managed to make myself presentable and make an appearance on campus for one of those classes that Berkeley is famous for. I figured it would be boring since the teacher would proably spend the hour talking about himself. Boy was I surprised. Not only did he talk about himself, he managed to put in some material for the class into the lecture while feeling less awake than I was. Literally, he was speaking one word every three seconds. Plus, it was stuff I already learned. So, I muddled through it in the back of the class talking to the only person I recognized.

As I walked out, I happened upon my friend from high school, Lily. She and her roommate Sam moved to the lower west side (read: Dwight and Shattuck). So I was dragged along to see the place. It's nice but it's far away from campus. It's as far as my place.

It's amazing how much the place changes over a short month. The old Kragen place has turned into a thrift store/Magic Johnson clinic. Maybe Magic himself will make an appearance? More importantly, the Burger King by the BART station has closed down! Oh the humanity!

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