
Please remember to go vote February 5. As a Republican, I can only vote for Republican candidates in this election and for this primary, the field could have been better. But of the men left, John McCain is probably the best choice to uphold conservative values and have a chance to win in November.

My heart says vote for Mitt Romney. He's a businessman. He co-founded Bain Capital and was CEO of Bain and Company, one of the best consulting firms around. He saved the Winter Olympics in Utah. However, he seems to be one of those guys who tells you what you want to hear rather than what he believes in. He's the Republican Party's own John Kerry and we'll be killed in November if he's nominated.

Rudy Giuliani is best known for keeping New York City in order after 9/11. If that man was running for President, he would have an excellent shot at winning. However, we got Giuliani, pre-9/11, whom New Yorkers never truly embraced with his divisive policies on race, the homeless, and education. Watching him on the campaign trail, it doesn't seem like he's taking it too seriously...always reaching for the next joke or one-liner. When he does take it seriously, he relies upon 9/11. His strategy in the primaries have certainly not helped. By ignoring Iowa, New Hampshire, and other states, he needed to be the front-runner in the national polls to ensure victory in the later, bigger states such as Florida, California, and New York. Now, he is trailing and has no momentum.

The beneficiary of Giuliani's decline? McCain. He's got national security down pat. He's said the right things about the economy, though it is not his strong suit. He is portrayed as a truthful man which can be good and bad at the same time. There are questions surrounding his health. After all, if inaugurated, he would be 71, the oldest ever. There are also questions about his loyalty. Whenever he doesn't get his way, he runs to the Democratic side, siding with Joe Lieberman on climate change, Russ Feingold on campaign reform, and others. However, in this time of war, McCain is the one Reublican candidate who can ensure we can stay on top of national security while bringing about enough change to reunite a country so badly divided after a less-than-stellar Bush presidency.

Briefly, on the Democratic side, I wouldn't mind an Obama presidency but I couldn't stand a Clinton presdiency. The prospect of a Billary White House would seem to be a wrong move in a country desperate for a fresh start.

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