
Ok, so remind me next time to pay extra attention to all those Asian English majors out there. Apparently, they're either your best friend or they need major help before you turn into target practice.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I find this rhetorical stance of either/or to be extraordinarily undialectical. Clearly the contradiction--thesis and an antithesis--creates the force necessarily for dialectical motion, a negation of the negation, as it were. Which is to say that one need not be either a friend of yours or a psychopath, but it is entirely possible to be both. This is, of course, speaking purely in the hypothetical, since one would hardly admit being an acquaintance, much less a friend, of yours. In any case, I find this stereotyping of Asian students of English literature and making light of the recent tragic events at VA Tech to be absolutely deplorable and I demand a forthright apology on behalf of Asian English students everywhere.

Alexander Ezekiel Chang said...

PS. You also should link to Steves' site.


I also think that I should be referred to as something more glorious, and therefore more true to my nature, than the mundane "Alex" that you have listed.

Anonymous said...

Actually, its not my site. It's my character's site. I don't manage it. And all responses or actions are in the form of chinacula not me. So if people wanted to know what i was up to, no luck there. Brian, if you choose to put it up, it would be more correct for the link to say chinacula.