
Hey ya. Travel plans this summer haven't gone my way. Korea + the Philippines required too much of a commitment. And the planning for New York and Baltimore wasn't quite there. So I've got to settle for smaller trips in the area. So if you're in Vegas the first week of August, Reno the last week of August, or L.A. the first week of October, lemme know since that's where I'll be.

Work experienced a few layoffs last week (6-10 out of 600 plus a couple of retirements ain't bad) but don't worry, my job wasn't affected. I'm still able to surf the Internet 8 hours a day and get paid for it. The overall health of the company is actually pretty good, but there's a bunch of people not doing much and real measurable work to do isn't coming in for another few months.

Went go-karting for the first time in years. But let's put it this way, I'll stick with regular cars for the time being. Thanks Di for the time out.

Fiona Apple this Friday and it's my grandpa's 80th birthday this weekend. Happy Birthday!

Finally, does this really count as TV? Maury Povich interviews a waitress who is terrified of pickles. Pickles!

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