
February 28 and March 1 are noteworthy days as they represent the birthdays of Hai and Steves respectively. Happy birthday guys!


Happy President's Day! Yeah, I don't know what we're supposed to do on this day, but hey, day off. And that's always good. Actually, I didn't realize how few people get President's Day off these days. My whole family's working and little sister still has school at SJSU.

Saw Norm MacDonald this weekend at the Improv, the culmination of three years of waiting. Christmas 2002: I got tickets to see Norm. A couple of weeks later, he cancelled, so I settled for tickets to Mitch Hedberg, which wasn't a bad trade-off. So I've waited for Norm to come back and finally here he is...probably because Bay 101 has their big tournament next week. He's not a big figure in the comedy world these days, but he was one of the best on Weekend Update. Not too shabby, I must say. Lots of topics including current events, heart attacks, and some various dirty jokes.

But if you really wanna laugh, please watch this video of David Hasselhoff singing Hooked on a Feeling.


Looking at the new releases, I couldn't help but notice that The Cutting Edge has a straight-to-video sequel coming out. Come on! The Cutting Edge??? Amazon describes it as not only a sequel but a remake. How? Read on. Moira Kelly and D.B. Sweeney (absent from the cast from the sequel) bought an ice rink and had a daughter become a figure skater. While vacationing in California, she meets a guy that's her complete opposite but falls for him. It doesn't work and she returns home to look for a doubles figure skating partner. Soon, that guy wants to be her partner and eventually both succeed on the ice. Sorry, the original sounds better...if you can call it better. Toepick!

Speaking of figure skating, I noticed the Olympics were on. Does anyone really care? I don't really see that Olympic fever out there. Maybe because it's winter and it's cold outside. Shouldn't it be snowing over there? All the pictures I see are perfect sunny days with ppl in t-shirts trying to stay cool. From what I hear, it's still sunny, but it's in the 40s, so I guess that's okay.

My 5th time doing Oscar predictions starts this week. I've been getting progressively better at picking out of a hat what movies will win the big one. Starting in 2002, it went 14, then 15, 16, and finally last year's 18. My guess for this year? 14. Haven't watched everything and movies weren't too good this year.

At work, apparently I've been making the same mistake on a report for several weeks, and nobody noticed until now. As a result, the guy responsible for presenting the facts got grilled thoroughly. Me? Well, you made a mistake. Fix it and move on. After all, you're responsible for 180 charts in this weekly report and you made a mistake on one.

Speaking of work, the last two Fridays has seen waiters mess up my orders at lunch. I know I speak softly (and carry a big stick ;) but this is getting ridiculous. At The Cheesecake Factory, I ordered a simple shrimp pasta. Everybody else got their food and I wondered where was mine? Then they sent out a shrimp sandwich. Sandwich? You've got to be kidding me. Management tried to appease me but that'd be tough. I know I'd be getting a lot of food, but the offer of an additional soup didn't entice me. Offers of making my meal free was also a no-go since I wasn't paying for this thing in the first place. But they did the latter anyway. This past Friday, it was Baja Fresh and they actually got my order right. But it was taking a long time to get out. They had called out Frank at least 5 times before I realized, I had become Frank for lunch.


Congrats to the Steelers for their Super Bowl win. My boss will be extremely happy. (Damn it.)

This must've been a down year for commercials, no? The Budweiser card stunt looked cool but the most memorable to me was the Ameriquest commercial with the guy killing a fly with a defibrillator. Best one of the night. Close second was the guy who threw his phone at his friend as a crime deterrent.

I'd heard about it for six months but I finally watched R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet. Oh my, this thing really is f---in hilarious.