
Oh, Kelli is growing up really fast.

I hope everyone had a very nice and filling Thanksgiving. I know I did and there's still leftovers left. Of course, the weekend didn't start out okay. Long day in the office as the boss wanted some reports before he left for the weekend. These reports, meant for many people, was probably read by 3 or 4 at the most when I published it at 5:30.

Thanksgiving morning saw me running errands where I could. Bank ATMs and the grocery store are two places you don't want to be on Thanksgiving morning, yet there I was in line most of the morning. One line I was thankful not to be in? I passed by Circuit City at about 10 AM and there was a big sign that had "LINE STARTS HERE" written on it. Two guys were just sitting there all alone in the midst of an empty parking lot, anticipating the sale that would open up the next morning.

Stuck in the middle of all the meals was Fiona Apple's concert at the Warfield. Full of energy in her 20 song set, the trip to the city and the $50 was worth it. And for some odd reason, it almost looked like she was enjoying the whole thing.

On a sad note, Pat Morita died in Vegas. As a tribute, go out and watch his Oscar-nominated performance in The Karate Kid, definitely worth it for all the laughs at Ralph Macchio's expense.


As I leave for dinner, let me wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving. Get to sleep early if you're hitting up Black Friday shopping tomorrow. I will hopefully be getting plenty of sleep tonite to get ready for SF and the concert. See you folks later.


Quick review of last night's midnite showing of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Boring, then good, then "is this over yet?" 2.5 stars

Something more substantive later.


The last part of my workday yesterday was spent reading blogs and profiles and whatnot so the prevailing thought as I headed home from work and dinner was this: the whole world has gotten itself in one big damn hurry. Ok, so I stole that from The Shawshank Redemption and I was driving 85 on 85 but it's what I thought.

People are pursuing advanced degrees, traveling the world, getting married, having kids and most of these people are still under 25. And here I am doing none of that. I'm the same person since I last saw you a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, even 5 years ago. (Well, a few of you were horrified when I parted my hair the other way.) I'm sure my day will come but hey, I'm getting impatient.

On a related note, a guy I knew in HS who I thought was gay actually has a girlfriend. Who knew? As Trump likes to say, some ppl like to eat steak and some like spaghetti.
(What the hell does that mean?!?)