
Very quietly, this blog turned 3 a couple of days ago. 584 posts later, have you learned anything? Probably not except that I watch a ton of movies. (Only 10 so far this year...what's up with that?)

Coincidentally, it all started with a review of Attack of the Clones, the lackluster film that preceded Revenge of the Sith. I caught a glimpse of it again on FOX, and I must say, I should revise that 2.5 stars to something lower. I just couldn't watch the thing.

Some tidbits on last Friday's screening:

Lively, mostly adult crowd. I say adult because the PR system went on and called down a guy to the lobby because his mother was waiting to see him. Of course, it could have been a geek without a ride, but the whole audience reacted with delight.

Not many people liked The Chronicles of Narnia trailer, which I describe as Lord of the Rings without the rings. Just a few seconds in, somebody yelled out "Next!"

Lots of guys cheered when Angelina Jolie came on-screen for her movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith but when Brad Pitt came on, only a single deep male voice could be heard.

In line, there were the lightsabers and stormtroopers of course, but I couldn't figure out the guy whose costume consisted of just a cape.

When Yoda and Obi-Wan were reacting to the news that Padme had twins, I was totally expecting Yoda to say "Double the trouble this is."

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