
Well, let's move on.

Daylight Savings Time begins tonite. Spring up by moving those clocks forward one hour.

Anyone notice the place they're filming in those TIAA-CREF commercials? None other than Pimentel Hall on the Cal campus. One thing wrong about the look though. That auditorium looks mighty full of alert students. Everyone knows a typical lecture will be half full, with half of those people asleep. Oh yeah, it looks a little cleaner on TV too.

I was passing by Hillsdale Park the other day and it was packed on a very nice day. Lots of people were eating and playing basketball. But what was weird was the tennis courts, which were empty. Then I think I saw why. Two Department of Corrections buses were in the parking lot. Guess those tennis players were just a little scared.

AMC = American Movie Classics. Supposedly. You've heard me remark about the kinds of movies AMC shows on their cable network that are obviously not classics. Speed. Crocodile Dundee 2. Not even the original...the sequel. Tonite, it's a Van Damme marathon. Oh my. But recently, I saw a film that you know would be a classic.

Death Wish 3. Man, what a movie. Basically, a gang has taken over a neighborhood in New York City and Charles Bronson comes in with a partner and a few guns and singlehandedly takes the entire gang out. Gratutitous violence at its finest.

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