
I've been trying to stay off my feet for the last few days. An ankle sprain can be a bitch. Luckily, those fitness foci from middle school came in handy. Remember RICE, people?

So there's a new pope. If I was Catholic, I'd be excited. Instead, it's just noteworthy. You may have heard there's black smoke if there isn't a decision on who the new pope is and white if there is. Guess what color it was today? Grayish. Good thing Pope John Paul II wrote that he wanted the bells to ring when the new pope was chosen. Well, they were 5 minutes late, but hey, nice thought. The new pope, Benedict XVI, is 78, the oldest pope elected in 300 years. I guess some weren't kidding when they commented they wanted a "temporary" pope before the next great revolutionary came along.

At my former employer (I told you I changed jobs, right?), my co-workers and I would always ridicule the marketing department. You never see any newspaper ads, but they've got plenty of posters that make no sense. In the world of hard drives, perpendicular recording will change it drastically, increasing capacity by 10 times what it is now. To explain this technique, marketing has created another in a long line of embarrassing flash animations and video clips. Is this infromative? Sure. Is it cringe-inducing? You bet. See for yourself.

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