
The State of the Union was tonite and President Bush spoke in surprisingly coherent terms for a very long time for him. All eyes were focused on his proposal for private accounts in Social Security. Democrats argue the system is in no real danger until 2042. Bush argues the system will pay out more in benefits than it will take in through taxes in 2018 meaning steps must be taken now in order to prevent insolvency. I do believe the system must be fixed but not in the drastic terms Bush wants to take it. Raise the cap on payroll taxes, change the way benefits are paid out, or even raise the retirement age before even considering private accounts, something too complicated and expensive to do right now.

Funniest moment of the night? Senator Joe Biden of Delaware started to applaud after President Bush's request for more money toward Palestine, but when no one applauded with him, he stopped and let out a silent "damn."

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