
Hide and Seek
It's a traumatizing time for the Callaway family. Wife Alison has committed suicide leaving husband David (Robert DeNiro) and daughter Emily (Dakota Fanning) to pick up the pieces. David, himself a psychiatrist, is convinced a move to upstate New York will help his daughter cope with the loss. But after the move, Emily begins to change due to a new imaginary friend of hers named Charlie. While it seems innocent at first, Emily is moving away from the good girl that she was. It's up to David to figure out whether or not Charlie is real or not and how he can get rid of her.

When you figure out the true identity of Charlie (How can you not? It's quite obvious if you follow the clues), the movie goes downhill into a slasher-type flick. Even if you can't figure out the clues, they give him up fairly early into the ending, with about 30 minutes to go. It would have been better to find out more about Charlie (origins, etc.) instead of him terrorizing everybody, but that's the direction they went, which is disappointing because it had more going for it than that. 1.5 stars

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