
Ocean's Twelve
When last we left the story of Ocean's Eleven, the team had just stolen $160 million from Terry Benedict at the Bellagio. However, Benedict has found out all of their identities and is out for revenge, specifically, the money plus interest or they're dead. As a result, Danny Ocean (George Clooney), Rusty Ryan (Brad Pitt), and the team flee to Europe to try to steal back enough money to give back to Benedict. Though they thought they were going to work small jobs to reach their goal, they were actually lured by Francois Toulour (Vincent Cassel) who has been jealous of them ever since his mentor, the thief La Marque, believed the Bellagio theft was the greatest ever. Toulour bets Ocean to see who can steal a golden egg first so that only one can claim credit as the greatest thief ever. With $100 million on the line, Ocean can't refuse, but can they actually do it? Hot on their trail is a former lover of Rusty's and now a detective played by Catherine Zeta-Jones.

While the sequel keeps the charm of its predecessor, this European version isn't as smart nor as funny. Furthermore, the first one, even with its multitude of characters, managed to keep a right balance to get everyone in the mix. Here, with the addition of a couple of characters, some are completely ignored (so Bernie Mac spends the final half in a jail cell?) and others get way too much time. The ending is somewhat of a letdown, especially considering the genius of the Bellagio heist. Once you figure out what happened, it's like, wow, that's it? It could be considered too clever for its own good. Ultimately, the movie features a group of people having a fun time, and you will too. Just don't compare it with the previous film since that one is better. 2.5 stars

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