
Remember the Sharks earlier this year? Against Colorado in the 2nd round of the playoffs, the Sharks went up 3-0 on the Avs. After losing their next two games, people got worried. Could the Sharks actually blow it and let the Avs win? Luckily, the Sharks saved themselves the embarrassment and won Game 6. (Oh, don't I wish hockey was up and running.)

Such luck did not fall on the New York Yankees. Up 3-0 against the Boston Red Sox, things were looking up. They had just beaten the Red Sox by an obscene score of 19-8 in Game 3. Dreams of another World Series filled their minds. But don't tell that to the Sox. They kept their eyes on the prize, even knowing the odds were against them, even knowing the Curse of the Bambino still hung over them, even knowing the Evil Empire was at it again. And tonight, their dreams have come true. They have beaten the Yankees for the first time ever in the playoffs. And now, they have the chance to break the curse that has affected them since 1918.

But like the difficulty of beating the Yankees, beating the Astros or Cardinals won't be a walk in the park. While there was a part of me that wants to see the curse continue (without it, how will Boston fans continue to function?), it seems to me this might just be the Red Sox year.

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