
2nd Presidential Debate reaction:

Man, this debate is a laugh riot.

I think Bush has taken something out of the Kerry playbook. If you're not speaking, every 10 seconds or so, smile. Boy, does it look awkward. Bush is also starting to write things on his piece of paper. I wonder what they're writing.

Bush got really angry when Kerry said we were going in alone. Wouldn't even listen to Charlie Gibson. That temper is not gonna go over too well.

Kerry:"When was the first World Trade Center attack? 1993 or so? And the next one was 5...7 years later?" I think it was 8.

Why is it when they talk about tort reform, they must always mention the OB/GYN? Always prominently too.

It looks like Kerry got a kick out of Bush's reference to the National Journal naming Kerry the most liberal senator.

Yeah, that's right. Kerry just said Bush is scaring people and then he scares us even more.

I just don't buy the argument that 1% of America got $89 million of the tax cut. It may be true, but isn't that right? Say people got a 1% tax cut. If you pay $1 million in taxes, then you get $10,000 back. If you're only paying $1,000, you only get $10 back. Of course they wouldn't add up to $89 billion.

So Kerry says his programs don't cost $2.2 trillion like Bush claims. So what's the number?

Bush asked did he have any time left? Geez, he needs to read a traffic light. Is that too hard?

Sure, I don't understand the wisdom of Bush's economic policy but I don't understand Kerry's either. He wants all these programs and he wants to raise the taxes on the wealthy, plus he wants middle class tax cuts and manufacturing tax credits? Sounds like too much.

Maybe both candidates are going to factcheck.com instead of factcheck.org. Both Bush and Kerry are still quoting facts that have been refuted by the media.

Hmm, Bush and Kerry didn't pick a name for the Supreme Court even though the questioner asked. Of course, it's not the type of question anyone should be asking anyway.

Hey, the questioner asked about what wrong decisions you've made, not why such and such decision was right.

In the end, I didn't learn much more about the issues, but Bush presented himself much better this time around. Kerry's performance was aggressive as usual, but at times, repetitive. I could predict what he was going to say at one point. So while the debate I believe was a tie, Bush supporters have to be relieved about his performance, much more so than the last one.

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