
Whenever you go to a Cal football game, there is one rule you must always obey. Never wear a red shirt. If you do, the students will yell at you and most likely rip it off your back.

I was reminded of this while watching President Bush speak. He spoke softly and gave a strong speech, albeit filled with nothing I haven't heard before. He spoke a lot slower though, even for him. And could you tell? He was tearing up a bit at the end.

But you could tell whenever he was getting into a rhythm, some protester jumped up and started yelling at him. But like the Cal faithful, the Republicans drowned him out with chants of 4 more years, even if Bush just kept on talking about Afghanistan or the economy. For this, I blame the Republican Party security, who should know not to let these people into the hall in the first place. Besides, there weren't any protesters in the Democratic convention. Show a little respect! Your friends are outside anyway.

Finally (borrowing from the Democratic convention), hey! Where the f--- are those balloons?

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