
Resident Evil: Apocalypse
Following the events of the first film, the people at Umbrella decide to open up the lab to see what really happened. But things become out of hand and soon, a virus spreads to the surrounding city, causing everyone infected to become zombies, forcing the electrified fences to turn on and all access out of the city to be closed. But, of course, there are still normal people trapped inside, trying to find a way out. Meanwhile, the heroine of the first film, Alice (Milla Jovovich), suddenly awakens from her coma-like state, feeling strong from the experimentation done to her, also does her part to get the people that are normal to leave. The catch? The scientist promising a way out force them to save his daughter before they can proceed out. But there's another obstacle to go along with the zombies walking around: Umbrella's creation from the Nemesis project, and the company believes this is the perfect time to test its new toy.

Doesn't it seem like we've had one too many zombie movies lately? After watching this, I think we've had one too many Resident Evil movies. This movie is a total mess, probably only made to satisfy a company's coffers. Sure, it may be characterized as a zombie movie, but during large portions of the film, you'll wonder where they all went. Other times, where did they come from? For example, all of a sudden, you see zombies coming out of graves. When were they infected? Did I miss something? Along with an ending that frankly comes out of nowhere, in a bad way, not a good way, "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" adds up to something ultimately unnecessary. 1 star

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