
How many weeks are in October?

The question sounds easy, but apparently it isn't. I was doing some forecasting at work when it came time to do a few projections for October. I look at the database calendar and it says October has 4 weeks. Every business goes by the quarter system and as such each quarter has 13 weeks. These 13 weeks need to be divided among the 3 months and for the fourth quarter of 2004, they've decided to do it with a 4-4-5 split, 4 weeks in October and November and 5 weeks in December. That would cause my projections to be a little skewed since all the quarters I've researched have a 5-4-4 split. I pass this piece of information to my co-workers and they scream bloody hell. Apparently, they believe it's a 5-4-4 split for the 4th quarter. So I submit the question to the database management.

Soon enough, my simple question has turned into a problem ticket where at least 8 big-wigs need to be contacted for a solution to the problem. It took 3 days to uncover another problem ticket that fixes this problem. It actually is a 5-4-4 quarter but nobody bothered to change the calendars, probably just to confuse the heck out of me.

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