
Did anyone see what happened at the box office this weekend? Dawn of the Dead hit number one, pushing The Passion of the Christ to number two. In other words, demons from hell have knocked off Jesus Christ himself.

Spring Break has begun in earnest but not before I pretty much failed my midterms. There are only two feelings you can have after taking a midterm. It was so hard that you failed miserably on it (that's my math one where I believe I got one out of seven right) or it was so easy that it was easy for the rest of the class and you probably did worse relative to the curve (that's game theory). Oh well, it's all in the past now. Only one week to dwell on it.

Before my math midterm, my professor told us to turn off our cell phones. Cell phone cheating. Has it really become that prevalent? I've never seen it executed before in my classes, but with the proliferation of camera phones and text messaging, I wouldn't be surprised if it was widespread by now.

When I got home, my parents struck me with the news that my mother's cousin Minh had died. My first thought was, who? Well, I'd never seen him before and my older brothers had only faint memories of him. What makes his story notable was that he was found dead at the Capitol Expressway overpass. You see, he was homeless. I never could imagine someone in my family being so but there it is. In Vietnam, he was a successful banker with a wife and child. He left all of that behind when he fled to America, hoping to replicate his success here and bring his family along later. That success never came. My uncle was closest to him here and tried to help, but he refused any help and didn't even consider returning to Vietnam to be with his wife. Everyone in the family lost contact with him for 10 years. Last week, the coroner visited my uncle. Minh had kept his address on his person. At first he didn't know who the coroner was talking about, but it eventually got to him. He was found with an ear bitten off, probably by rats, and no teeth. An autopsy revealed Minh had died of a heart condition.

Rest in peace.

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