
So there I was today at the bus stop, still waiting for a bus that just doesn't want to show up. Yet who does? Newly christened celebrity William Hung. Flanked by a camera crew, which I later find out to be Access Hollywood, Hung walks around, head held high, gave me a nod and went on his way. "No regrets" he said on that day in front of the American Idol panel after performing She Bangs with a monotone voice and arms flailing. Well, good for him. Let him enjoy his 15 minutes of fame. But you know what, this needs to stop. Sure, I laughed when I first saw it. I even saw it live and in person once. Now, whenever I hear it or something about it, I cringe. It could be him. It could be my dad humming the tune. It could be teenage girls performing it on campus with better voices. Something about it screams this is demeaning. This is mean. This is utterly embarrassing. Will this really be what he'll be known for forever? While I'm talking about Hung, it could also apply to Ricky Martin too. I mean really, wasn't there something in the song that screamed embarrassing while going solo has rendered him a one-hit wonder?

Yet this little phenomenon continues indefinitely. Hung continues to perform, tonite at a volleyball match, and I will go on covering my ears and changing the channel.

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