
Remember that scene in Minority Report when Tom Cruise has just switched out his eyes and is making his way toward the refrigerator only to reach for sour milk and a rotten sandwich? That's exactly what I did this morning.

Well, not the eyes part but the rest of it is applicable.

After three hours of sleep working on a project, the alarm clock for once woke me up, but I felt drowsy yet hungry. I switched beds in the apartment and this one's a tad higher so when I stumbled out of bed, I literally fell to the floor, hitting my head on the table. Surprisingly, while it hurt, it was no help in waking me up. I made my way to the kitchen where I had cereal. It was dark but I didn't want to turn on the light. The refrigerator light was enough. I poured in the milk and started eating and yuck. The milk had turned sour. Turning on the light, I found chunks in my cereal bowl. Not the best of things to wake up to. Reflecting upon it, the milk box did say February 9. I just didn't recognize.

So what did I have instead? A zinger. What the heck's a zinger? It's a wannabe Twinkie except they have ingeniously put frosting on top. I guess that makes it last half as long as a regular Twinkie but get charged the same inflated price.

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