
Hey, fellas, what's cooler than being cool? Ice cold! Damn, it was freezing tonite at the Greek up til the bonfire was lit. It didn't help that they played Hey Ya no less than 3 times during the night. The song was good and while it still is, it's being overplayed to death; a victim of its own success.

There are always things that go wrong during the bonfire rally and this year was no different. Audio problems plagued the speakers and singers all night. The fire didn't light like they wanted. (They had to manually light it.) But once the fire was going, the show went on with a few new touches like the candle stunt (not as good as hyped) and a new act to go along with the usual suspects ("Cal Eye for the Square Guy" was just, well, queer). Still, an enjoyable evening had by all, highlighted by a larger-than-usual fire helped by a strong wind and the appearance of the axe for the first time in 8 years at the rally. I patted it a few times last year as it was paraded and maybe I'll do it again this year.

Of course, all of this is a far cry from Stanfurd's annual lighting of the cardboard boxes. You laugh when I say this and I'll admit, they use some firewood but when the size of their bonfire is about 15 feet, as seen here, and Cal's bonfire is 10 times that, it's a bit of a mismatch. Of course, they'll argue we need a bigger fire; we've got more people than them. The Cardinal spirit might be a bit lower this year after being hit with two pranks, the first being a Go Bears! banner hung from Hoover Tower on Wednesday while the costume for the Tree was stolen from the band in San Francisco. No one has claimed responsibility but Stanfurd of course blames Cal.

It all leads up to today's Big Game, #106. For the first time in ages, a bowl game hinges on the Big Game outcome with Cal needing to win this game while Stanfurd both of their remaining games. It begins at 12:30 tomorrow over there in Palo Alto.

While the fire raged on, Cal basketball played on, opening the season with a rare defeat. This was to Cal Poly, the UC of the CSU's. Not to belittle the school since my sister-in-law went there, but it can't really be described as a basketball powerhouse. Yet, they found a way to win with a last second jump shot.

Also, from what I hear, Oak Grove was eliminated from the football playoffs by those ding-dongs at Bellarmine. Close game though.

Okay, different subject.

What's your opinion on public urination? Hopefully, against it. Berkeley is filled with homeless, so you can't help but smell that stink when you walk your way through this town. But you know what, at least they're discreet about it. Walking home the other day (shudder at the thought; I actually walked home?), a car pulled over ahead of me, the passenger jumped out and started to relieve himself in the parking lot of the Tune-Up Masters, getting weird looks from the two girls walking in front of me. Geez, at least go behind a bush or those new green trash bins. Just not in front of me.

I don't know what's worse: Michael Jackson being accused of child molestation or subjecting the world with that mug shot. I mean, Nick Nolte and Wynonna Judd and the like had to be forced to take a picture, but Jackson surrendered and brought himself in, and he STILL looked like that, whatever that was.

My roommate finally moved out. I'm all alone here. And no one it seems wants to move in. Not even one inquiry. But it does feel nice to have all this space at half the cost.

As crazy as it sounds, there's one more midterm left and there's two weeks of instruction remaining in the semester. Time sure is moving pretty fast.

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