
What a difference a day makes. My last post complained about the hot weather. Now, there's clouds are in the sky, 60 degree temperatures, and wind howling outside my window. Perfect weather in my book.

The roommate search is far from perfect, though there were responses and that surprised me. There's a guy not too interested in the place but burdened me with many questions anyway. There's a map in the ad, but he still asked me where the place was. There's a French guy who's working on a grad degree in sociology. Very bad in English; took me a while to decipher his message. And finally, there's a Spanish guy who works in the labs up in the hills. He only needs a place for a month, so he's eliminated. Yes, that leaves the Frenchie but he hasn't been returning my emails or calls. So it's back to the drawing board. At least Vishnu has extended his stay another 2 weeks.

The VSA date auction was last Tuesday, a far more classier event than last semester's. People were actually dressed up and the place decorated though it would have been better if the place was bigger. Yes, the ladies were attractive but still, I don't understand where people can get the money to bid into the triple digits, sometimes on multiple people.

Yesterday, during 141, Professor Duncan was wearing a suit for some meeting he had that day. Geez, seeing him wear that, it seemed like his body shrunk and his head was just about ready to explode.

I've been watching a little more music lately and there are 4 categories to separate them. 1. Good song, good video; 2. good song, bad video; 3. bad song, good video; 4. bad song, bad video. You rarely see 3, 1 and 4 happen about the same, but 2 happens most frequently. I mention this only because I've seen much more of 4 lately. Britney Spears has a new song out and it seems she wants to follow in Justin's footsteps in trying to black. Just like Justin, she basically repeats the same 3 lines constantly, over and over again, repetitively. And it's awful. Just like her video where it seems she's just walking around in a maze until she hooks up with Madonna and then they dance around a bed frame. Well, at least they don't stop in the middle of moving traffic.

A breath of fresh air would be No Doubt's new video, "It's My Life", a remake of Talk Talk's version from the '80s. This is definitely in category 1. You'll laugh and cry and see death and destruction. And all the while, Gwen is singing her heart out in the courtroom or in a straight-jacket. Gwen actually looks young and pretty even though she's pushing like 60 or 70 right? It's all that white pancake makeup I guess.

Here's something about Survivor. If you hadn't heard, the big twist allowed those who were kicked off a second chance by allowing them to form a third tribe and compete against the two existing tribes. By winning tonight's competition, these outcasts forced the other two tribes to kick off one of their members while the Outcasts would vote two of their own to rejoin the game. On the Morgan tribe, Osten graciously bowed out of the game and gave up without getting voted out, claiming his mind and body were spent. To which a newsgroup poster responded in caps, "BUT HE'S BLACK!" (his words, not mine)

Still, it's called Survivor! What did he expect?

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