
One of the reasons my neighbor chose to go to UCSD over Berkeley was the fact that people in Berkeley seemed a bit rushed. They had a lot of things to do and a small amount of time to do it, and it showed by the way they walked and talked. Not even walk he said, run. Sure, we have a lot of things on our minds, but it's such a rare occurrence to see someone running through campus. I was reminded of my neighbor when today alone, I saw no less than 5 people running through campus on their way to class or to the streets or whatever. I was shocked. One ran out of Evans Hall, down the small valley and toward the Glade. Another was running through Sproul like a madman. The most extreme case was a guy running and ran into a girl, knocking her into the grass. He apologized, got her up, and then just like that, started running again. What was the big rush?

Here's a reason from me. CalPIRG. Those relentless environmentalists are at it again, trying to raise money for whatever they spend the money for. I'm sure their cause to protect the environment and open up government is a worthy one, but I don't really don't need another charge on my CARS bill but there they are, seemingly lining my way to class, waiting for me to sign up. Two today, one who wanted to walk me to class, luckily I was already there. Others were trying to convince other unlucky souls. And the only thing that can protect me from them is that little sticker saying I've pledged. If I put on an "I'm poor" sticker, will it have the same effect?

It’s nice to know that old Asian guy who stands on that bucket at Bancroft and Telegraph mouthing off a few lines for a few hours has somewhere to go when he’s done. There he was, sitting next to me on the 51 bus home. Luckily, he didn’t get off on my stop.

On a non-Berkeley note, congrats to the Florida Marlins for making it to the World Series. They beat a very good Cubs team whose championship-less streak will extend to 96 years. Still, even though the Marlins won the World Series in ‘96, it’s strange for me to believe they’ve reached this level. For the sentimentalists out there, Boston is still kicking with the series-deciding game tomorrow night. The Yankees have enough championships, right? Let poor Boston have one; they haven’t won since 1918 but please, no more about the curse.

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