
The Rundown
The Rock finds himself trying to build upon his acting career by playing a retrieval expert simply paying back his debts in order to receive the money he needs to start his own restaurant. The job that will put him over the top sends him to Brazil to find the boss' son. He's played by Seann William Scott. As a poor man's Indiana Jones, he believes he has found a priceless ancient artifact somewhere in the jungle. Before he can get it, the Rock swoops in to get him. While he got permission from the local tyrant (Christopher Walken, acting like his usual self) who's working the people in the mines and treating them harshly, Walken nixes the deal to let Scott find the artifact. That's no good according to the Rock and they start to leave only to be chased. After an accident and getting lost in the jungle, they're intercepted by the rebels hoping to overthrow the tyrant, led by Rosario Dawson. The three soon stumble upon the treasure and go on to try to save the town as well.

Sure, you'll have a lot of fun when you watch this film. But too much of a good thing can be a problem. And by the 7th or 8th fight scene, I got a bit bored by the whole thing. The first one was great with the Rock dealing with a bunch of football players. But by the time you get to the last one, the Three Amigos-ending minus the villagers helping out, you'll wonder what the point was. Well, it's simple. The point is to watch The Rock. He's got the look of an action star and comedian all in one. And in this showcase, he overshadows everything including the flimsy plot. Scott is a one-trick pony and that's in the dumb guy role, something he does well in this film. Dawson seems a bit miscast as it seems the role called for someone with more toughness. It's an entertaining venture that gets a bit tiring as it crosses the finish line. 2.5 stars

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