
At the start of this week, it will be the 5th week of instruction. Time really does fly. With so much time passing, it was inevitable that a midterm would be posted and wouldn't you know it, my first one is on Monday. And considering I'm completely lost in that math 128 class, it's not gonna be any fun.

While researching other 128 midterms, I noticed one math professor has a running contest up Evans, that 10 floor monstrosity. Now, I get winded going up two flights of stairs, let alone ten. No clue why anyone would want to do this. But on his list, it says a student ran up 10 floors in 48 seconds, which for some reason, sounds amazingly impossible. This semester's race is scheduled for this Thursday.

In the 6th week, there's another midterm in finance econ. That class has degenerated into nap time for me. Maybe it's because Datman got out and isn't bothering me anymore. It doesn't help that the professor is dull. He's a paper type man, not a presentation type. With his monotone voice and his laughs after every little mistake he makes (too numerous to count), its prime sleeping time, something my classmates around me agree with. Yesterday, he lectured and gave a summary of what he said and said he was done with 10 minutes to spare. Nobody moved. 10 seconds of eerie silence. It took him to say, "ok, you can go now" to get the crowd to leave.

Survivor started Thursday night and it looks interesting. They stranded them in Panama with only the clothes on their backs and a little money to buy supplies at a fishing village. The ladies are pretty attractive and there's this one guy who looks like he's been stranded on an island for months already, with his long beard and pirate-like voice. It just so happens it's a pirate theme this year. Two things I noticed: Lots of Abercrombie and Fitch clothing worn. Why is that? And during the challenge, the Morgan tribe did it naked so it was funny when Drake was leading, the chiron showed "Drake ahead" and then "Morgan behind" with the camera showing their blurred butts.

Everyone's got these Prop 54 buttons to show their opposition to them and it was the topic of this week's 179 lecture. It's a nice idea to continue toward a color-blind society by stopping collection of racial data by state agencies. But this vague, wide-ranging constitutional amendment may be too far ahead of its time. Racial inequality exists in some form in some agencies and to stop collecting racial data would hinder efforts to stop the inequality.

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