
Alex and Emma
Cuban loan sharks have descended upon the apartment of Alex Sheldon (Luke Wilson) seeking the $100,000 he owes them. Of course, Alex doesn't have it...yet. Alex's fate lies in the hands of a book he's writing. It's been 11 months now but hasn't written a single sentence. Since the sharks have just broken his computer, Alex needs the services of a typist, in this case, Emma Dinsmore (Kate Hudson). With her presence as a muse to kick ideas back and forth, Alex suddenly has the ideas to finish his book. But where is the line between fantasy and reality? As the romance develops in his story, Alex and Emma fall for each other as well. Is their love sustainable?

Jeez, it's a romantic comedy, of course it will. But even though you see it on screen, you don't seem to believe it. The crucial chemistry isn't there even if it's obvious they're having fun, especially Hudson who gets to play different characters as Wilson's character changes the maid in his story. Director Rob Reiner, with yet another part in a movie, submits another uneven direction, trying to capture the magic found in his "When Harry Met Sally" and other successful films when all he does is copy its best parts rather poorly. The movie is loosely based on the writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky and his love life with his typist. I must stress the word loosely because I don't think a writer of Dostoyevsky's caliber could write such crap as Sheldon's novel obviously is. If it wasn't for Hudson's beauty and, at some spots, energy, this film would be an absolute dud. 1.5 stars

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