
It has been exactly a month since school let out for the traditional school year and today the summer session. Various people have asked me why I keep taking summer classes when I've got a bazillion units already. Well, I'm overachieving I guess. Besides, it's a history class. I'll busy myself with the reading this summer; a textbook, a compilation, and a course reader. And essays galore. The professor either acts high or like a surfer from socal. Either way, he's got a phd. He teaches in West Texas and is 30% deaf. What better place to put him than a 100-student classroom for 40 students. He gets easily distracted and once he gets distracted, has a hard time getting back on track, easily forgetting what he was talking about before. For example, questions about administrative things turned into a discussion about "Berkeley time" and why it's called that. Then it turned into a "What makes Berkeley, Berkeley?" discussion. Finally, once he was done, he asks the first guy who asked a question what his question was all about. With lots of yelling and tangents, he's an unorthodox teacher but it seems as though he knows his stuff.

When I got back to Berkeley, everyone seemed a bit angrier or on edge for some odd reason. Driving on University, I saw three red light runners from I-80 to my street McGee. The first bus I rode today wouldn't pick me up at first. He was closing the door and I was running toward it. I got to the door and I motioned for him to open it. And all he did was stare at me. It was the most awkward 10 seconds but he finally opened. After the aforementioned class, I stood about 3 feet from the bus pole when the bus came and went. It stopped at a nearby red light and I ran to it and asked him why he didn't stop and he yells back that I wasn't standing at the pole. Geez, three feet away with my arm waving, isn't that enough? Then there was the petition guy who was running around trying to get people to sign his petition. What was it for? I don't know. He gave me a mean look and went on his way. Finally, police cars have been racing past my apartment more than usual. 3 in the last 2 hours. It's all too weird.

There were also 3 KRON-4 vans parked around the Berkeley campus. I have no idea what could be happening unless they wanted to cover the first day of Session C.

You know, Listerine bottles get bigger and bigger with no reason for it. Sure, people need their mouthwash but I get back to my apartment and my roommate has bought a bottle of mouthwash bigger than the gallon of bleach that sits on the floor. I guess as long as he doesn't mix the two up, he'll be fine.

What have I been doing the last month? Seemingly nothing. Sure, there's the movies. And the friends. And that graduation thing. And that fender-bender. I don't seem to remember much more than that. The house is getting a new roof so that's something new. My parents spent three days talking to this one roofer about prices, shingles, and tiles, virtually wearing him out. Then after one hour with another roofer, they choose him, screwing over the three-day guy. With a $5,000 difference, I can understand why. But he doesn't know it yet and he still has his samples at the house. The next day, 3 Mexican guys climb up onto the roof and start tearing it apart. After two days, it's all gone and new gutters have been installed. Ever since...silence. Apparently, they don't have the tiles and won't be delivered til tomorrow. In the meantime, a big ad of the company sits in the front yard, announcing "another quality roof installed" when a big black sheet sits on the roof.

In news I've seen, TNN was supposed to change their name to Spike TV. Why they would want to do this I don't know. It's a pretty dumb name, but to them, it screams male so that's what they want to do. In comes Spike Lee, suing Viacom to stop the name change claiming people will confuse the channel with him. I don't know, the last thing I think of when I hear Spike TV, would be Spike Lee. I think of the punch at parties. I think of the things under my shoes when I play golf or soccer. I think of volleyball. Heck, I'll think of Spike Jonze before Spike Lee. It's a dumb lawsuit for a dumb name that they'll probably want to change in the future anyway.

The governor of California is on his way to being recalled. Davis is brushing this off as an effort by the losers of the last election to get him out of office. But when a million people sign a petition to do so and possibly a majority of voters in an election will agree to it, then maybe it is the right thing to do. It will only be so if there is an adequate replacement waiting in the wings. And right now, there is none. All the decent Democrats are standing behind Davis, including the two senators and the constitutional officers. On the Republican side, there's Schwarzenegger but all he's done politically is pass an after school program. There's Issa, a congressman heading the recall campaign, but he's too right-wing for a left-wing state. There's Condi Rice, National Security Adviser, but she's a foreign policy person, not a fiscal person. There's Bill Simon, but he already lost to Davis. So who's left? It could be you. All you need is 65 signatures and $3500 to get on the ballot. Then all it takes is for you to get the most votes and you're instantly governor. What a story that will be.

Before I saw The Hulk (in a half-empty auditorium, probably will only make $120 million, tops), I saw a trailer for a live-action Peter Pan. Something seemed very wrong about it. I don't know why. It's my belief they shouldn't mess with the cartoon. It's bad enough Hook was made. But what really got me was the music. They played Coldplay's Clocks. It seemed all too awkward with what was going on the screen.

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