
What does suspended license, no registration, and a drunk add up to? Accident. And the victim was my friend's car, innocently parked in front of his house. Jon's taking it pretty well, but people like these shouldn't be out on the streets to begin with. Luckily, the car wasn't totalled and it should be fixed.

Moving on, the Chronicle published an advertisment by a group calling for the impeachment of President Bush and his top advisers. This is just wrong. Sure, you have the right to voice your opinion, but now that we're in the thick of it, we need to be united on this country's cause or else we'll be divided and open to attack. Let's see how this plays out and if things turn out for the worse, the chances of which are diminishing rapidly, then you'd have a case for impeachment.

You know those Russian dolls that have like 6 figurines in one big figurine? Rumor has it that this will be the next bobblehead and be distributed by various sports teams in the coming months. When did going to sports events mean receiving children's toys?

The beginning of the end has arrived. ASUC elections are starting tomorrow. The weird campaigning will be over. ASUC articles such as the one about how parties aim to receive the most votes to win will be dropped in favor of other ones. But now, in the last hours of it, they've started making promises that they probably have no intention on carrying out. It seems to me that the ASUC exists solely to collect money and distribute it to groups. What does that have to do with stopping the war? I have no idea and I don't think one of the candidates would know either, even with his new position at the ASUC that he's running for. Fighting the fee increase? Every student hates to pay more, making this promise a no-brainer. A better promise to make is to try to lessen the cuts the UC must make that the fee increase is compensating for. Free or even discounted BART? Not in our lifetime. The 17% one-time discount per semester is already considered generous by the BART board. How will I vote? If I find time to, it'll be for the people who haven't bothered me during the campaigning.

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