
It's a depressing time we live in, isn't it? Even though Iraq is half a world away, we're being bombarded with it all the time now. Turn on a television and what do you get? Bombs bursting in the air. Small mushroom clouds where a building used to be. Whew, here's a comedy, and then, SPECIAL REPORT. And it goes on and on. Turn on a radio and listen to a Coldplay or Foo Fighters song and right after, get a news update about Iraq. Walk the streets and watch as protesters scream and yell about something they have no power to affect. So, let's see, we've got Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, and Iraq.

I had a similar experience looking through my bookmarks the other day. Friends of mine have caught into the blogging experience like wildfire. But what do I see? Xanga, xanga, xanga, xanga, xanga, darkjournal changed to xanga, blogspot turned into xanga, blogspot turned into xanga, blogspot (what? am i reading correctly?), xanga, and it keeps going until I got to mine, a blogspot. I see xanga and I don't see anything special about it. Maybe it's for the young, cool types while I stick with blogspot and its decidedly popular 1.1 million population.

The funny thing about protests is how remarkably small crowds can be yet disrupt so much of what's around them. Here in Berkeley, 120 people were arrested at Sproul Hall for blocking the entrances and whatnot. Among other things, officials say admission letters will be delayed in being sent, making worried applicants even more nervous. At night, thousands marched down University Avenue and back again. Good thing I don't drive. Yet if you're away from the little realm the protesters are living in, life seems shockingly normal. Little talk about the war in the classes I went to. Various events went on as planned, such as the VSU's date auction, an event to raise money for their culture show. I happened to stop by since a friend of mine wanted to bid on someone who sadly did not go up. Also sad was the massive amounts of money spent on these dates. Hundreds of dollars were being spent on these people who did not look to be worth it, but I guess it's for a cause.

Cal got eliminated from the NCAA tournament. On a happier note, Stanfurd was eliminated too. Also eliminated was Zora from Joe Millionaire's life. Luckily, they both split a million dollars for their troubles. So, as always, there will be a balance in the world, whether it's in the force or in the few dollars left in my bank account.

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