
The Daily Cal provides a great service to the city of Berkeley by letting people know of the various crimes and other acts that occur in the city. Not only is there a police log, short paragraphs are written about the major ones. But lately, either it's a slow news week at the paper or people are committing acts that could be considered as weird. Consider these examples from the past week.

A high school kid was caught stealing two granola bars from a cafe. Really, this gets actual words devoted to it? It's not even newsworthy.

A burglar was caught with $6,000 worth of items including, among other things, an ABBA compact disc. Mamma Mia!

A woman managed to steal 40 pairs of khakis from the Gap. This was a traditional grab and run. It even had a getaway car to top it off. A couple of days later, more clothes were stolen from a designer outlet. Outlet!

The Ritz Camera had all of its disposable cameras stolen from a display case. Ironic how there wasn't any security cameras in the store.

Two fire extinguisher incidents without any fire. One was in front of a sorority that jammed a lock. The other was in a health lab with no apparent motive.

A homeless man was arrested for "slapping another (homeless) man upside the head" over a woman. The victim had shared a sleeping bag with the woman the other night and the other guy apparently got jealous.

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