
A real tragedy occured this morning as the Space Shuttle Columbia disintegrated over the Texas skies as it was on final approach to land. 7 people died, including the first Israeli astronaut ever to fly. There hasn't been an accident this catastrophic since Challenger blew up in 1986. Since then, things have been considered routine, even though it's anything but routine. Hopefully, attention will be paid to the space program once again.

What the world doesn't need on a day like this? Jokers. Flipping around the channels, I settle on Dan Rather on CBS. He's interviewing an "eyewitness" who claims some debris landed on his property. When Rather asks him about the location of his property relative to Dallas, the caller quickly tells him, "you're an idiot" and hangs up. You could see Rather was hurt by that comment as his face just froze up and didn't speak for a minute. His co-anchor had to jump in to break the silence.

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